
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Sweet Pickles

Vegetable Recipes
Selected and tested by the
Food Editors of FARM JOURNAL
Copyright 1970 by Farm Journal, Inc.

The most fragrant cooking this side of the moon - that's the way one home economist in out Test Kitchens described pickle-making. Farm home-makers agree.

Aristocratic Pickles are a favorite of a Nebraska farmer's wife, who makes them when the cucumber crop is good.


Very crisp; sweet, sliced pickle has excellent flavor and appearance.

2 c. pickling salt 
4 qts. Water
4 qts. Thinly sliced cucumbers (4 to 5" in length)
1 Tblsp. Powdered alum
1 Tblsp. Ground ginger
2 c. White vinegar
2 c. Water
6 c. Sugar
1 stick cinnamon 
1 tsp. Whole cloves
1 tsp. Celery seeds
1/2 tsp. Whole allspice

Dissolve salt in 4 qts. of water; add cucumbers. Let stand 8 days in stone crock, glass, pottery or enamel-lined pan (should no t be chipped.)
On the ninth day, drain well. Add fresh unsalted water to cover; add alum. Simmer 30 minutes.
Drain well. Add fresh unsalted water to cover; add ginger. Simmer again 30 minutes. Drain well.
Mix vinegar, 2 c. water, sugar and spices (tie spices in cloth bag). Add cucumbers and simmer again until Pickles are clear. Pack in hot, sterilized jars; seal. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath. Makes about 6 pints.

Good with hamburgers or roast meat

3 c. pickling salt
6 qts. water
30 whole pickling cucumbers (3 to 4" in length)
5 c. white vinegar
10 c. sugar
2 1/2 Tblsp. powdered alum
1 1/4 tsp. whole cloves
2 1/2 sticks cinnamon 

Add salt to water; bring to boil. Pour over cucumbers in stone crock. Weight down with plate. Let stand 8 to 10 days. Rinse well in fresh unsalted water. Slice Pickles; rinse again. Let stand in fresh unsalted water 1 hour. Drain.
Combine remaining ingredients (tie spices in cloth bag); bring to boil. Pour over cucumbers; cover and let stand 24 hours.
Drain syrup; bring syrup to boil, pour over cucumbers. Let stand 24 hours. Repeat this process for a total of 3 mornings.
On fourth morning, drain Pickles, reserving syrup. Pack Pickles in hot, sterilized pint jars. Bring syrup to boil. Add green food color, if you wish. Pour hot syrup over Pickles jars; seal. Process 10 minutes
In boiling water bath. Makes about 6 pints.

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When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.

--Chief Tecumseh

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